Chuangfa Porcelain Material Co., Ltd.

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : Jiajian   Su Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : 86-768-6933986 Fax. : 86-768-6830222
Web Site :
Address : Fengsan Industrial Estate Of GuXiang Town, Chaoan Country, Guangdong Province.China
Main Business
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Chuangfa Porcelain Material Co., Ltd., founded at the beginning of 1993, specializes in the production, development, and design of porcelain sanitaryware. Our current premises cover a useable area of 30,000 square meters. We believe ourselves to be a company that is technically strong producing a varied product line that is of superior quality. Product lines that we can produce at a high rate and up to a high quantity.

During product development we consider all aspects concerning the use of our products. We aim to produce high quality porcelain that meets specific standards. These standards include the ability to withstand all climatic conditions, resistance to acid and alkali, and, of course, being completely leak proof. We have built into our products features such as advanced water conservation functions. Our toilets use high hydraulic pressure flushing, and they are designed to be attractive, suiting their environment.

The objective of our management team is to develop our products' technical features by attracting people with talent to work for us. By so doing we aim to improve our products and corporate image, and therefore expand the consumer base of our products at home and abroad. We invite you to contact us to see how we can cooperate. Agents who can help us distribute and market our products overseas.