Great Digital Technologies Co., Ltd

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : Susan   Zhang Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : 0086 755 25695467 Fax. : 0086 755 83371407
Web Site :
Address : 9F, Buxin Shangzhuang, Luohu dist
Main Business
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Great Digital Technology Co., Ltd


We, Great Digital Technology Co., Ltd, were founded in 2002 in Shenzhen, China, and we are originally grown up under the based of the CCTV security system of CAMERA. We have full experience in security field.


Wide range of products


Up to now, our products from CCTV Quad processor develop to full serial CCD cameras. The main products include: CCD cameras, dome cameras, IR waterproof cameras, IR dome cameras, Zoom cameras, spy DVR cameras, IP cameras, speed dome cameras, stand alone DVR, Video balun, Housing, power supply etc. You can choose your interested in products and contact with us.


Great’s Market


We are leading in any area of world CCTV market directly or through the sales branches as well as distributors. USA, EUREOPE, and EAST EUROPE markets were our most leading and we are looking forward new market with our new items. Every one can be our partner with our sales programs. Now let's have look around the Great Digital Technology CO., LTD products


Products Quality Control

For product's main boards, the test lasts at least 48 hours under the temperature of over 45deg. C; for finished products, we double-test them for 48 hours under the temperature of over 45deg. C

Good secondary materials for cameras, such as IC chips, LEDs, transistors and capacitance. We use the brand of ROHM, TOSHIBA and AVX to ensure the product quality

All cameras use high quality crystal light filters in CCD lens to secure clear, crisp image and color